InboundWP – Testimonials


Testimonials-IBWP display testimonials, reviews or quotes in multiple ways. You can quickly add your testimonials with their name, jobs, pictures and etc. You can add directly On-site (by filling a form) and also display Google review.


Here you will find the main features which are included in ‘Testimonials-IBWP’ Plugin.

  1. 20+ Slider Designs.
  2. 20+ Grid Designs.
  3. Fully Responsive and Touch Based Slider.
  4. Slider RTL Support.
  5. Hide/Show Slider Pagination and Arrows.
  6. Slider Autoplay and Speed Interval.
  7. Limit to display number of testimonials.
  8. Display testimonial by specific categories wise.
  9. Include/Exclude testimonial.
  10. Testimonial Order ASC OR DESC.
  11. Flexible image size.
  12. Show Ratings and Testimonial Form.
  13. Display job, company, client avatar.
  14. Code is written with WordPress standard.
  15. Fully Responsive.
  16. 100% Multi language.
  17. Custom CSS editor.


Installation of Testimonials-IBWP requires a few clicks. To install the plugin, please use the following steps:

  1. Install InboundWP plugin, And click on InboundWP admin menu.
  2. Go to InboundWP “Modules” category and click.
  3. Now you can see all InboundWP Modules Plugins.
  4. Choose your favourite module “Testimonial” and click on the top right button.
  5. Now your module is activated and you can see a message ‘your changes have been saved successfully’ at the top of the window.
  6. Now you can check your activated module in InboundWP admin menu.

Note : When you enable/disable the module, hit the “Save Changes” button to make it live.
Your changes saved successfully!

Getting Started

Testimonial-IBWP Plugin is used to display testimonials, reviews or quotes in multiple ways. Plugin display testimonials in a slider view. This plugin contains five types of different shortcodes.

Testimonials-IBWP with rotator widget adds a Menu tab in WP Admin side with the name “Testimonials-IBWP” where you can add new Testimonials post, edit and delete.

How to Display Shortcode

To display a Testimonial is very simple. Just go to Pages-> add New and add page title i.e Testimonial and you can use any short codes:

[ibwp_tmw_grid] – Testimonials Grid

[ibwp_tmw_slider] – Testimonials Slider

[ibwp_tmw_form] – Testimonials Form

Template Code – If you want to display testimonials within your theme template. So you can use template code also within your theme file.

<?php echo do_shortcode('[ibwp_tmw_grid]'); ?>

<?php echo do_shortcode('[ibwp_tmw_slider]'); ?>

<?php echo do_shortcode('[ibwp_tmw_form]'); ?>

Shortcode Generator

Check the Result of any Shortcode with Preview using “Shortcode Builder
Please Go To Admin Menu -> Testimonials – IBWP -> Shortcode Builder.

Shortcode Parameter for Testimonials Grid

Shortcode – [ibwp_tmw_grid]

  • Limit
    [ibwp_tmw_grid limit="20"]
    Display latest 20 testimonials on your website. You can display all post to set limit=”-1″.
  • Design
    [ibwp_tmw_grid design="design-1"]
    Show testimonial with different designs.
  • Grid
    [ibwp_tmw_grid per_row="3"]
    Display number of testimonials in a row by Grid view.
  • Display Client
    [ibwp_tmw_grid display_client="true"]
    Display Client Name : Values are “true OR false”.
  • Display Avtar
    [ibwp_tmw_grid display_avatar="true"]
    Display Client avatar : Values are “true OR false”.
  • Display Job Name
    [ibwp_tmw_grid display_job="true"]
    Display Client Job title : Values are “true OR false”.
  • Display Company Name
    [ibwp_tmw_grid display_company="true"]
    Display Client Company Name : Values are “true OR false”.
  • Avtar Image Style
    [ibwp_tmw_grid image_style="circle"]
    Set Client avatar image style – square, circle.
  • Show Rating
    [ibwp_tmw_grid show_rating="true"]
    Display Rating or not. Values are “true OR false”.
  • Show Title
    [ibwp_tmw_grid show_title="true"]
    Display Title Name : Values are “true OR false”.
  • Posts
    [ibwp_tmw_grid posts="5,10,15"]
    Display testimonial with specific post id wise. You can pass mulitple ids by comma separated.
  • Category
    [ibwp_tmw_grid category="true"]
    Display testimonials by specific category id wise. You can pass multiple ids by comma separated.
  • Display Child Category
    [ibwp_tmw_grid include_cat_child="true"]
    Display child category testimonial. Values are “true OR false”.
  • Exclude Posts
    [ibwp_tmw_grid exclude_post="5,10,15"]
    Exclude some testimonial posts which you do not want to display. You can pass multiple ids by comma separated.
  • Exclude Category
    [ibwp_tmw_grid exclude_cat="5,10,15"]
    Exclude some testimonial category which you do not want to display. You can pass multiple ids by comma separated.
  • Include Author
    [ibwp_tmw_grid include_author="5,10,15"]
    Include some testimonial author which you want to display. You can pass multiple ids by comma separated.
  • Exclude Author
    [ibwp_tmw_grid exclude_author="5,10,15"]
    Exclude some testimonial author which you do not want to display. You can pass multiple ids by comma separated.
  • Order
    [ibwp_tmw_grid order="DESC"]
    Display testimonials order wise. Values are “ASC OR DESC”.
  • Orderby
    [ibwp_tmw_grid orderby="post_date"]
    Display testimonials orderby wise. You can display your testimonials by “title”, “post_date”, “name”, “rand” OR “ID”.
  • Pagination
    [ibwp_tmw_grid pagination="true"]
    Display Pagination or not. Values are “true OR false”.
  • Pagination Type
    [ibwp_tmw_grid pagination_type="numeric"]
    Set testimonial pagination type. Values are “numeric OR prev-next”.
  • Query Offset
    [ibwp_tmw_grid query_offset="5"]
    This parameter will hide first five posts. E.g I have set offset 5 then it will skip first five post.
    Note: This will not work with pagination and limit=”-1″ parameter.
  • Extra Class
    [ibwp_tmw_grid extra_class=""]
    Enter extra class to customize your design.
    Note: Extra class added as parent so using extra class you customize your design.

Shortcode Parameter for Testimonials Slider

Shortcode – [ibwp_tmw_slider]

  • Limit
    [ibwp_tmw_slider limit="20"]
    Display latest 20 testimonials on your website. You can display all post to set limit=”-1″.
  • Design
    [ibwp_tmw_slider design="design-1"]
    Show testimonial with different designs.
  • Display Client
    [ibwp_tmw_slider display_client="true"]
    Display Client Name : Values are “true OR false”.
  • Display Avtar
    [ibwp_tmw_slider display_avatar="true"]
    Display Client avatar : Values are “true OR false”.
  • Display Job Name
    [ibwp_tmw_slider display_job="true"]
    Display Client Job title : Values are “true OR false”.
  • Display Company Name
    [ibwp_tmw_slider display_company="true"]
    Display Client Company Name : Values are “true OR false”.
  • Avtar Image Style
    [ibwp_tmw_slider image_style="circle"]
    Set Client avatar image style – square, circle.
  • Show Rating
    [ibwp_tmw_slider show_rating="true"]
    Display Rating or not. Values are “true OR false”.
  • Show Title
    [ibwp_tmw_slider show_title="true"]
    Display Title Name : Values are “true OR false”.
  • Show Content
    [ibwp_tmw_slider show_content="true"]
    Display Content or not : Values are “true OR false”.
  • Content Word Limit
    [ibwp_tmw_slider words_limit="20"]
    Set slider content word limit. You can pass numeric value.
  • Slides Columns
    [ibwp_tmw_slider slides_column="2"]
    Display number of testimonials at a time in slider.
  • Slider Scroll
    [ibwp_tmw_slider slides_scroll="2"]
    Scroll number of testimonials at a time.
  • Slider Dots
    [ibwp_tmw_slider dots="true"]
    Display testimonial slider pagination or not. Values are “true OR false”.
  • Slider Arrows
    [ibwp_tmw_slider arrows="true"]
    Display testimonial slider arrows. Values are “true OR false”.
  • Slider Autoplay
    [ibwp_tmw_slider autoplay="true"]
    Make slider automatically slides. Values are “true OR false”.
  • Slider Autoplay Interval
    [ibwp_tmw_slider autoplay_interval="3000"]
    Delay between two slides. You can enter any numeric values.
  • Slider Speed
    [ibwp_tmw_slider speed="3000"]
    Control speed of slider. You can enter any numeric value.
  • Slider Loop
    [ibwp_tmw_slider loop="true"]
    Keep Slider continuously or not. Values are “true OR false”.
  • Slider Effects
    [ibwp_tmw_slider effect="slide"]
    Set slider effact: Values are “slider OR fade”.
  • Slider Center Mode
    [ibwp_tmw_slider center_mode="false"]
    Center mode effect for slider. Values are “true or false”.
  • Slider RTL
    [ibwp_tmw_slider center_mode="false"]
    Enable RTL or not. Values are “true OR false”.
  • Posts
    [ibwp_tmw_slider posts="5,10,15"]
    Display testimonial with specific post id wise. You can pass mulitple ids by comma separated.
  • Category
    [ibwp_tmw_slider category="true"]
    Display testimonials by specific category id wise. You can pass multiple ids by comma separated.
  • Display Child Category
    [ibwp_tmw_slider include_cat_child="true"]
    Display child category testimonial. Values are “true OR false”.
  • Exclude Posts
    [ibwp_tmw_slider exclude_post="5,10,15"]
    Exclude some testimonial posts which you do not want to display. You can pass multiple ids by comma separated.
  • Exclude Category
    [ibwp_tmw_slider exclude_cat="5,10,15"]
    Exclude some testimonial category which you do not want to display. You can pass multiple ids by comma separated.
  • Include Author
    [ibwp_tmw_slider include_author="5,10,15"]
    Include some testimonial author which you want to display. You can pass multiple ids by comma separated.
  • Exclude Author
    [ibwp_tmw_slider exclude_author="5,10,15"]
    Exclude some testimonial author which you do not want to display. You can pass multiple ids by comma separated.
  • Order
    [ibwp_tmw_slider order="DESC"]
    Display testimonials order wise. Values are “ASC OR DESC”.
  • Orderby
    [ibwp_tmw_slider orderby="post_date"]
    Display testimonials orderby wise. You can display your testimonials by “title”, “post_date”, “name”, “rand” OR “ID”.
  • Query Offset
    [ibwp_tmw_slider query_offset="5"]
    This parameter will hide first five posts. E.g I have set offset 5 then it will skip first five post.
    Note: This will not work with pagination and limit=”-1″ parameter.
  • Extra Class
    [ibwp_tmw_slider extra_class=""]
    Enter extra class to customize your design.
    Note: Extra class added as parent so using extra class you customize your design.

Shortcode Parameter for Testimonials Submission Form

Shortcode – [ibwp_tmw_form]

  • Extra Class
    [ibwp_tmw_form extra_class=""]
    Enter extra class to customize design.
    Note: Extra class added as parent so using extra class you customize your design.