WP Featured Content and Slider Pro

Getting Started:

WP Featured Content and Slider adds a Menu tab in WP Admin side with the name “Featured Content PRO” where you can add Title, Content, Link, Image as a featured image and Font Awesome icon.

Screen shows “Featured Content Pro” tab in the left side and all featured content added

  1. Go to Featured Content Pro and click on Add Featured Content.
  2. Add Title, Content, Link For Read More, Icon and Featured image and update.
  3. You can select the category for featured content from the ‘Category’ box at right side.
  4. You can add category for Featured Content from the Featured Content Pro > Category menu.

Below screen shows how to add a featured content post

If you want to display featured content category wise then go to Featured Content > Category and select the respective category shortcode.

Below screen show category shortcode

Shortcode Builder :

Check the Result of any Shortcode with Preview using “Shortcode Builder
Please Go To Admin Menu -> WP Featured Content Pro -> Shortcode Builder.

Gutenberg Blocks :

Please go to page or post and add “Gutenberg Blocks“.

Post Type Slug Setting

Please go to the Features post settings. You can change Post Type slug and Category slug with your desired text.

How To Display And Shortcode :

To display a Featured Content is very simple. Just add the following shortcodes on any page or post:

WP Featured Content and Slider Pro contain 3 shortcode.

Featured Content with Icon


Featured Content with Image


Featured Content  Icon & Image


Template Code – If you want to display featured content within your theme template.
<?php echo do_shortcode('[featured-cnt-icon]'); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode('[featured-cnt-img]'); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode('[featured-cnt-icon-img]'); ?>

Featured Content With Icon Shortcode Parameter :


  • TYPE: [featured-cnt-icon type="grid"]
    Display Featured Content in a grid view or in a slider view. Values are ‘grid’ or ‘slider’.
  • DESIGN: [featured-cnt-icon design="design-1"]
    Design for featured content. Designs values are design-1 to design-16.
  • NUMBER OF COLUMNS GRID: [featured-cnt-icon grid="2"]
    Display featured content in a column / grid on your website. You can display up to four column. Values are 1,2,3 and 4.
  • FEATURED CONTENT LIMIT: [featured-cnt-icon limit="5"]
    Display latest number of featured content on your website. To display all Featured Content you can pass limit to -1.
  • LINK: [featured-cnt-icon link="true"]
    Enable external link. Values are “true” and “false”.
  • LINK TARGET: [featured-cnt-icon link_target="blank"]
    Open link in a same window or in a new tab. Values are “self” OR “blank”.
  • FONT AWESOME ICON COLOR: [featured-cnt-icon fa_icon_color="#000000"]
    Change the color of Font Awesome Icon.
  • IMAGE STYLE: [featured-cnt-icon image_style="square"]
    Switch image style “square” OR “circle” as per your theme layout.
    Note:Parameter only works with design-1, desgn-2, design-3, design-8 and design-9.
  • DISPLAY CONTENT: [featured-cnt-icon show_content="true"]
    Display post content or not. By default value is “true”. Values are “true” and “false”.
  • CONTENT WORDS LIMIT: [featured-cnt-icon content_words_limit="50"]
    If you Featured Content post has large content then you can display limited words only. Default 50 words will be displayed.
  • CONTENT TAIL: [featured-cnt-icon content_tail="..."]
    Display dots after the post content for continue reading.
  • DISPLAY READ MORE BUTTON: [featured-cnt-icon display_read_more="true"]
    Show read more button or not. Values are “true OR false”.
  • READ MORE BUTTON TEXT: [featured-cnt-icon read_more_text="More"]
    Change ‘Read More’ button text to your desired text.
  • EXTRA CLASS: [featured-cnt-icon extra_class=""]
    You can add extra class here.
    Note: Extra class added as parent so using extra class you customize your design.
  • SLIDES COLUMN: [featured-cnt-icon slides_column="3"]
    Display number of post at a time in slider.
  • SLIDES SCROLL: [featured-cnt-icon slides_scroll="1"]
    Scroll number of slider at a time.
  • DOTS: [featured-cnt-icon dots="true"]
    Display slider navigation dots. Values are “true” and “false” .
  • ARROWS: [featured-cnt-icon arrows="true"]
    Display slider navigation arrows.Values are “true” and “false” .
  • AUTOPLAY: [featured-cnt-icon autoplay="true"]
    Enable slider autoplay. Values are “true” and “false”.
  • AUTOPLAY INTERVAL: [featured-cnt-icon autoplay_interval="2000"]
    Set slider slide interval time. You can enter any numeric value.
  • SPEED: [featured-cnt-icon speed="300"]
    Set slider speed. You can enter any numeric value.
  • INFINITE: [featured-cnt-icon infinite="true"]
    Enable continuous sliding. Values are “true” OR “false”.
  • CENTERMODE: [featured-cnt-icon centermode="true"]
    Enable slider center mode feature. Values are “true” OR “false”.
    Note: Use with odd number of ‘Slides Column’ and ‘Slides Scroll’.
  • MEDIA SIZE: [featured-cnt-icon media_size="large"]
    Set post media size. By default value is “large”. Options are “full”, “medium”, “thumbnail” OR “large”.
  • HOVER PAUSE: [featured-cnt-icon hover_pause="true"]
    Pause slider autoplay on hover. By default value is “true”. Options are “true” OR “false”.
  • FOCUS PAUSE: [featured-cnt-icon focus_pause="false"]
    Pause slider autoplay when slider element is focused. By default value is “false”. Options are “true” OR “false”.
  • POST TYPE: [featured-cnt-icon post_type="featured_post"]
    If your site have already featured content and if you want to use our plugin design then you can simply switch the plugin post type without writing the content again.
  • POSTS: [featured-cnt-icon posts="1,5,6"]
    Display only specific featured content posts. You can pass multiple post ids with comma separated.
  • ORDER: [featured-cnt-icon order="DESC"]
    Display Featured Content order wise. Values are “DESC or ASC”.
  • ORDER BY: [featured-cnt-icon orderby="post_date"]
    Display featured content post in your order. Values are “post_date”, “modified”, “title”, “name” (Post Slug), “ID”, “rand”, “menu_order”.
  • QUERY OFFSET : [featured-cnt-icon query_offset="5"]
    This will hide first five post. E.g I have set offset 5 then it will skip first five post.
    Note: This will not work with pagination and limit=”-1″ parameter.
  • TAXONOMY: [featured-cnt-icon taxonomy="wpfcas-category"]
    The same as above. If you site have already featured content with category then you can switch taxonomy also without creating it again.
  • DISPLAY CATEGORY WISE: [featured-cnt-icon cat_id="20,30,40"]
    Display featured content category wise. You can pass multiple category id with comma separated.
  • DISPLAY CHILD CATEGORY: [featured-cnt-icon include_cat_child="true"]
    Display child category. Values are “true” and “false”.
  • EXCLUDE POST: [featured-cnt-icon exclude_post="1,5,6"]
    You can exclude some featured content post which you do not want to display. You can pass multiple post ids with comma separated.
  • EXCLUDE CATEGORY: [featured-cnt-icon exclude_cat="1,5,6"]
    You can exclude some featured content category which you do not want to display. You can pass multiple categories ids with comma separated.
  • INCLUDE AUTHOR: [featured-cnt-icon include_author="6,5,8"]
    Include some featured content author which you want to display. You can pass multiple ids by comma separated.
  • EXCLUDE AUTHOR: [featured-cnt-icon exclude_author="6,5,8"]
    Exclude some featured content author which you do not want to display. You can pass multiple ids by comma separated.
  • PAGINATION: [featured-cnt-icon pagination="true"]
    Enable pagination. Values are “true” OR “false”.
    Note: This parameter only work with “grid” type.
  • PAGINATION TYPE: [featured-cnt-icon pagination_type="numeric"]
    Choose pagination type. Values are “numeric” OR “prev-next”.
    Note: This parameter only work with “grid” type.

Featured Content With Image Shortcode Parameter :


  • TYPE: [featured-cnt-img type="grid"]
    Display Featured Content in a grid view or in a slider view. Values are ‘grid’ or ‘slider’.
  • DESIGN: [featured-cnt-img design="design-1"]
    Choose design for featured content. Designs values are design-1 to design-10.
  • GRID: [featured-cnt-img grid="2"]
    Display featured content in a column / grid on your website. You can display up to four column.
  • LIMIT: [featured-cnt-img limit="5"]
    Display latest number of featured content on your website. To display all Featured Content you can pass limit to -1.
  • LINK: [featured-cnt-img link="true"]
    Enable external link. Values are “true” and “false”.
  • LINK TARGET: [featured-cnt-img link_target="blank"]
    Open link in a same window or in a new tab. Values are “self” OR “blank”.
  • DISPLAY CONTENT: [featured-cnt-img show_content="true"]
    Display post content or not. By default value is “true”. Values are “true” and “false”.
  • CONTENT WORDS LIMIT: [featured-cnt-img content_words_limit="50"]
    If you Featured Content post has large content then you can display limited words only. Default 50 words will be displayed.
  • CONTENT TAIL: [featured-cnt-img content_tail="..."]
    Display dots after the post content for continue reading.
  • DISPLAY READ MORE BUTTON: [featured-cnt-img display_read_more="true"]
    Display read more button or not. Values are “true or false”.
  • READ MORE BUTTON TEXT: [featured-cnt-img read_more_text="More"]
    Change ‘Read More’ button text to your desired text.
  • EXTRA CLASS: [featured-cnt-img extra_class=""]
    You can add extra class here.
    Note: Extra class added as parent so using extra class you customize your design.
  • SLIDES COLUMN: [featured-cnt-img slides_column="3"]
    Display number of slider at a time in slider.
  • SLIDES SCROLL: [featured-cnt-img slides_scroll="1"]
    Scroll number of Blog post at a time.
  • DOTS: [featured-cnt-img dots="true"]
    Display slider navigation dots. Values are “true” and “false”.
  • ARROWS: [featured-cnt-img arrows="true"]
    Display slider navigation arrows.Values are “true” and “false”.
  • AUTOPLAY: [featured-cnt-img autoplay="true"]
    Enable slider autoplay. Values are “true” and “false”.
  • AUTOPLAY INTERVAL: [featured-cnt-img autoplay_interval="2000"]
    Set slider slide interval time. You can enter any numeric value.
  • SPEED: [featured-cnt-img speed="300"]
    Set slider speed. You can enter any numeric value.
  • INFINITE: [featured-cnt-img infinite="true"]
    Enable continuous sliding. Values are “true” OR “false”.
  • CENTERMODE: [featured-cnt-img centermode="true"]
    Enable slider center mode feature. Values are “true” OR “false”.
    Note: Use with odd number of ‘Slides Column’ and ‘Slides Scroll’.
  • MEDIA SIZE: [featured-cnt-img media_size="large"]
    Set post media size. By default value is “large”. Options are “full”, “medium”, “thumbnail” OR “large”.
  • IMAGE HEIGHT: [featured-cnt-img image_height="400"]
    You can set Blog post images height. You can enter any numeric value.
  • HOVER PAUSE: [featured-cnt-img hover_pause="true"]
    Pause slider autoplay on hover. By default value is “true”. Options are “true” OR “false”.
  • FOCUS PAUSE: [featured-cnt-img focus_pause="false"]
    Pause slider autoplay when slider element is focused. By default value is “false”. Options are “true” OR “false”.
  • POST TYPE: [featured-cnt-img post_type="featured_post"]
    If your site have already featured content and if you want to use our plugin design then you can simply switch the plugin post type without writing the content again.
  • DISPLAY SPECIFIC POSTS: [featured-cnt-img posts="1,5,6"]
    Display only specific featured content posts. You can add multiple post ids with comma separated.
  • ORDER: [featured-cnt-img order="DESC"]
    Display Featured Content order wise. Values are “true OR false”.
  • ORDERBY: [featured-cnt-img orderby="post_date"]
    Display featured content post in your order. Values are “post_date”, “modified”, “title”, “name” (Post Slug), “ID”, “rand”, “menu_order”.
  • QUERY OFFSET: [featured-cnt-img query_offset="5"]
    This will hide first five post. E.g I have set offset 5 then it will skip first five post.
    Note: This will not work with pagination and limit=”-1″ parameter.
  • TAXONOMY: [featured-cnt-img taxonomy="wpfcas-category"]
    The same as above. If you site have already featured content with category then you can switch taxonomy also without creating it again.
  • DISPLAY CATEGORY WISE: [featured-cnt-img cat_id="20,30,40"]
    Display featured content category wise. You can enter multiple category id with comma separated.
  • DISPLAY CHILD CATEGORY: [featured-cnt-img include_cat_child="true"]
    Display child category. Values are “true” and “false”.
  • EXCLUDE POST: [featured-cnt-img exclude_post="1,5,6"]
    You can exclude some featured content post which you do not want to display. You can add multiple post ids with comma separated.
  • EXCLUDE CATEGORY: [featured-cnt-img exclude_cat="1,5,6"]
    You can exclude some featured content category which you do not want to display. You can add multiple categories ids with comma separated.
  • INCLUDE AUTHOR: [featured-cnt-img include_author="6,5,8"]
    Include some featured content author which you want to display. You can pass multiple ids by comma separated.
  • EXCLUDE AUTHOR: [featured-cnt-img exclude_author="6,5,8"]
    Exclude some featured content author which you do not want to display. You can pass multiple ids by comma separated.
  • PAGINATION: [featured-cnt-img pagination="true"]
    Enable pagination. Values are “true” OR “false”.
    Note: This parameter only work with “grid” type.
  • PAGINATION TYPE: [featured-cnt-img pagination_type="numeric"]
    Choose pagination type. Values are “numeric” OR “prev-next”.
    Note: This parameter only work with “grid” type.

Featured Content With Icon And Image Shortcode Parameter :


  • TYPE: [featured-cnt-icon-img type="grid"]
    Display Featured Content in a grid view or in a slider view. Values are ‘grid’ or ‘slider’.
  • DESIGN: [featured-cnt-icon-img design="design-1"]
    Choose design for featured content. Designs values are design-1 to design-9.
  • GRID: [featured-cnt-icon-img grid="2"]
    Display featured content in a column / grid on your website. You can display up to four column.
  • LIMIT: [featured-cnt-icon-img limit="5"]
    Display latest number of featured content on your website. To display all Featured Content you can pass limit to -1.
  • LINK: [featured-cnt-icon-img link="true"]
    Enable external link. Values are “true” and “false”.
  • LINK TARGET: [featured-cnt-icon-img link_target="blank"]
    Open link in a same window or in a new tab. Values are “self” OR “blank”.
  • FONT AWESOME ICON COLOR: [featured-cnt-icon-img fa_icon_color="#000000"]
    Change the color of Font Awesome Icon.
  • DISPLAY IMAGE STYLE: [featured-cnt-icon-img image_style="square"]
    Display slider image style. By default value is square.
  • DISPLAY CONTENT: [featured-cnt-icon-img show_content="true"]
    Display post content or not. By default value is “true”. Values are “true” and “false”.
  • CONTENT WORDS LIMIT: [featured-cnt-icon-img content_words_limit="50"]
    If you Featured Content post has large content then you can display limited words only. Default 50 words will be displayed.
  • CONTENT TAIL: [featured-cnt-icon-img content_tail="..."]
    Display dots after the post content for continue reading.
  • DISPLAY READ MORE BUTTON: [featured-cnt-icon-img display_read_more="true"]
    Display read more button or not. Values are “true or false”.
  • READ MORE BUTTON TEXT: [featured-cnt-icon-img read_more_text="More"]
    Change ‘Read More’ button text to your desired text.
  • EXTRA CLASS: [featured-cnt-icon-img extra_class=""]
    You can add extra class here.
    Note: Extra class added as parent so using extra class you customize your design.
  • SLIDES COLUMN: [featured-cnt-icon-img slides_column="3"]
    Display number of slider at a time in slider.
  • SLIDES SCROLL: [featured-cnt-icon-img slides_scroll="1"]
    Scroll number of Blog post at a time.
  • DOTS: [featured-cnt-icon-img dots="true"]
    Display slider navigation dots. Values are “true” and “false”.
  • ARROWS: [featured-cnt-icon-img arrows="true"]
    Display slider navigation arrows.Values are “true” and “false” .
  • AUTOPLAY: [featured-cnt-icon-img autoplay="true"]
    Enable slider autoplay. Values are “true” and “false”.
  • AUTOPLAY INTERVAL: [featured-cnt-icon-img autoplay_interval="2000"]
    Set slider slide interval time. You can enter any numeric value.
  • SPEED: [featured-cnt-icon-img speed="300"]
    Set slider speed. You can enter any numeric value.
  • INFINITE: [featured-cnt-icon-img infinite="true"]
    Enable continuous sliding. Values are “true” OR “false”.
  • CENTERMODE: [featured-cnt-icon-img centermode="true"]
    Enable slider center mode feature. Values are “true” OR “false”.
    Note: Use with odd number of ‘Slides Column’ and ‘Slides Scroll’.
  • MEDIA SIZE: [featured-cnt-icon-img media_size="large"]
    Set post media size. By default value is “large”. Options are “full”, “medium”, “thumbnail” OR “large”.
  • IMAGE HEIGHT: [featured-cnt-icon-img image_height="400"]
    You can set Blog post images height. You can enter any numeric value.
  • HOVER PAUSE: [featured-cnt-icon-img hover_pause="true"]
    Pause slider autoplay on hover. By default value is “true”. Options are “true” OR “false”.
  • FOCUS PAUSE: [featured-cnt-icon-img focus_pause="false"]
    Pause slider autoplay when slider element is focused. By default value is “false”. Options are “true” OR “false”.
  • POST TYPE: [featured-cnt-icon-img post_type="featured_post"]
    If your site have already featured content and if you want to use our plugin design then you can simply switch the plugin post type without writing the content again.
  • DISPLAY SPECIFIC POSTS: [featured-cnt-icon-img posts="1,5,6"]
    Display only specific featured content posts. You can add multiple post ids with comma separated.
  • ORDER: [featured-cnt-icon-img order="DESC"]
    Display Featured Content order wise. Values are “true OR false”.
  • ORDERBY: [featured-cnt-icon-img orderby="post_date"]
    Display featured content post in your order. Values are “post_date”, “modified”, “title”, “name” (Post Slug), “ID”, “rand”, “menu_order”.
  • QUERY OFFSET: [featured-cnt-icon-img query_offset="5"]
    This will hide first five post. E.g I have set offset 5 then it will skip first five post.
    Note: This will not work with pagination and limit=”-1″ parameter.
  • TAXONOMY: [featured-cnt-icon-img taxonomy="wpfcas-category"]
    The same as above. If you site have already featured content with category then you can switch taxonomy also without creating it again.
  • DISPLAY CATEGORY WISE: [featured-cnt-icon-img cat_id="20,30,40"]
    Display featured content category wise. You can enter multiple category id with comma separated.
  • DISPLAY CHILD CATEGORY: [featured-cnt-icon-img include_cat_child="true"]
    Display child category. Values are “true” and “false”.
  • EXCLUDE POST: [featured-cnt-icon-img exclude_post="1,5,6"]
    You can exclude some featured content post which you do not want to display. You can add multiple post ids with comma separated.
  • EXCLUDE CATEGORY: [featured-cnt-icon-img exclude_cat="1,5,6"]
    You can exclude some featured content category which you do not want to display. You can add multiple categories ids with comma separated.
  • INCLUDE AUTHOR: [featured-cnt-icon-img include_author="6,5,8"]
    Include some featured content author which you want to display. You can pass multiple ids by comma separated.
  • EXCLUDE AUTHOR: [featured-cnt-icon-img exclude_author="6,5,8"]
    Exclude some featured content author which you do not want to display. You can pass multiple ids by comma separated.
  • PAGINATION: [featured-cnt-icon-img pagination="true"]
    Enable pagination. Values are “true” OR “false”.
    Note: This parameter only work with “grid” type.
  • PAGINATION TYPE: [featured-cnt-icon-img pagination_type="numeric"]
    Choose pagination type. Values are “numeric” OR “prev-next”.
    Note: This parameter only work with “grid” type.

Template Structure + Overriding Templates Via A Theme :

The template files of featured content contain the markup and template structure for the front-end of your site. If you open these files you’ll notice they all contain many hooks which will allow you to add / move content without having to edit the template files themselves. This method protects even further against any upgrade issues as the template files can be left completely untouched.

Alternatively, you can edit these files in an upgrade safe way through overrides. Simply copy it into a directory within your theme named /wp-featured-content-and-slider-pro, keeping the same file structure

Example : To override the featured content icon design file simply copy file from /wp-featured-content-and-slider-pro/templates/featured-icon/design-1.php to yourtheme/wp-featured-content-and-slider-pro/featured-icon/design-1.php

The copied file will now override the featured content default template file. Do not edit these files within the core plugin itself as they are overwritten during the upgrade process and any customizations will be lost.

The following template files can be found within the /wp-featured-content-and-slider-pro/templates/ directory:

WP Featured Content With Custom Order :

You can display feature content in custom order. Click on ‘Sort Feature Content’ link on Featured content listing page.

Note: Put orderby='menu_order' order="ASC" parameter in Feature content shortcode for custom ordering.